Trinity Street Players is a nonprofit theatre committed to providing professional, thought-provoking, and entertaining stage productions in downtown Austin. We believe in making the arts accessible, relevant, and inclusive, and we welcome all who share a passion for creating and experiencing the transformative power of the theatre. Join us for great art in the heart of Austin.
Trinity Street Players is funded in part by First Austin on whose fourth floor the black box resides. So you wanna know where to go to see a show? Yep, you’re gonna have to walk into that Baptist Church. Don’t be scared, just pretend you’re in Europe.

Art Exhibit

"Chromatic Bliss"
photography by Minerva Villa

EXHIBITION ON VIEW: January 8 to May 31, 2025, on the 4th Floor at the Trinity St. Playhouse.

The 4th Floor at the Trinity St Playhouse presents Chromatic Bliss, photography by Minerva Villa. Experience a vibrant celebration of humanity through a rainbow of monochromatic portraits, featuring diverse models styled in bold, unified hues. Each piece tells a story of individuality, connection, and the beauty ofcolor.

Minerva Villa.

On March 20th at 8:30pm we will host a reception for the exhibiting artist. The reception is free and open to the public. 

The 4th Floor is the lobby space of the Trinity St Playhouse. The work will be on display Jan. 8 to May 31 on The 4th Floor. The exhibit is available to view by appointment, email to plan a visit. Or in the evenings when you attend a performance at the Playhouse. Find out what’s on stage HERE.

TICKETS: The reception on March 20th is free and open to the public, no RSVP required.

In this theatre (and church) Black lives matter, church and state are separate, disabled contributors are critical, humans aren’t illegal, LGBTQ love is love, refugees are welcome, religious freedom is respected, science is real and art speaks truth, women’s rights are equal rights, and all are responsible to the earth.

We would like to acknowledge that we are meeting on the Indigenous lands of Turtle Island, the ancestral name for what now is called North America. Moreover, we would like to acknowledge the Alabama-Coushatta, Caddo, Carrizo/Comecrudo, Coahuiltecan, Comanche, Jumanos, Kickapoo, Lipan Apache, Tonkawa and Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo, and all the Indigenous Peoples and communities who have been or have become a part of these lands and territories in Texas.

Join the Trinity Street Players Entourage!

 Volunteers are at the heart of our mission. Click below and find out how you can support “Art in the heart of Austin”.